Pike Constructions acknowledges and understands its environmental impact and is committed to meeting community, legislative and social expectations. We are actively integrating environmental management into our core business activities and environmental sustainability into our project designs. Environmental awareness, education and commitment help us to reduce our footprint and we provide our people with the necessary tools to allow them to conduct our day to day operations without having a negative impact upon the environment.

Environmental best practice is a key part of all our projects and this is supported by developing project specific Environmental Management Plans. We aim to minimise the impact of our operations in many areas, including air and water quality, noise and vibration levels, native flora and fauna, soil conditions and areas of historic and cultural significance. In addition Pike Constructions implement specific recycling initiatives customised to each project and track our results through the Skytrust system.

The Skytrust system enables us to assess the environmental impact of our activities and record any environmental incidents and schedule actions for remediation. It also allows us to monitor community risks and any social impacts that may be a result of our business operations.

Our commitment to the environment is not restricted to our work practices, it is also a focus on our many design and construct projects. ESD design measures are a major driver during the design and documentation phase. A good example of this was during the construction of our new energy efficient office & warehouse. Sound ESD principles were achieved utilising high performance glass, “Coolclad” roofing & insulation systems, stormwater harvesting which is reticulated back through the wet areas and landscaping, internal movement sensor lighting and VRV mechanical airconditioning just to name a few.

Not only did the design measures help to achieve our goals but the recycling and re-use of demolition materials ensured we hit our targets. All demolished materials were separated & recycled and in particular the bricks from the existing 1920’s dwellings were individually cleaned, palletised and sent away for re-sale. The most striking part of this initiative was the reuse of the Jarrah timber floor joists which now form an iconic feature on our main staircase.

Our integrated approach to Quality, Safety and Environmental Management gives us the ideal platform for continual improvement. It is Pike Constructions commitment, spanning over 30 years which gives our clients assurance they are working with an industry leader.

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The health, safety and well-being of our people are continuously at the forefront of everything we do. Safety is a constant priority during any project we undertake and our objective is to ensure that everyone is safe everyday. This is based on our belief that safe projects are successful projects and that all injuries are preventable.

Safety is much more than just following rules. It is about attitude, discipline, the safe management of people and most importantly, the ability to prevent hazards and control risk. With a dynamic and innovative safety system in place, we are totally committed to creating safer work attitudes and encouraging behavioural change as a way of life. We are also intent on strategic planning to ensure that as much as possible, we design out any activities that involve unacceptable levels of risk. This is achieved by developing a Safety Management Plan for each and every project we undertake.

The Skytrust system gives us the visibility to know what is happening across all our projects and our workforce at any given time. This allows us to manage and monitor our performance across all levels of the business. The system assists in reporting incidents, identifying and managing hazards, tracking of employee and subcontractor training and identifying opportunities for improvement.

An effective program built into the Skytrust system is our Job Safety & Environmental analysis tool or JSEA Module. Before our people or subcontractors carry out work on a project, it is a requirement that we think of what is the safest and most environmentally friendly way to do so. The JSEA module allows us to document each work related task, identifying the associated risk and put in place measure to eliminate or minimise the risk.

We have a strong culture in which safety thinking is an inherent part of our company allowing our employees and subcontractors to contribute to continual improvement providing a better safety performance.

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Since the company’s inception in 1981, Pike Constructions has undergone consistent and significant growth. We are continuously striving to innovate and adopt more sophisticated business practices in order to meet our strategic plan and to underpin our vision of continual improvement.

This vision is supported and reinforced by our integrated business management system and our certification to the following International and Australian Standards:

  • ISO9001:2015 Quality Management Systems
  • ISO14001:2015 Environmental Management Systems
  • ISO45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Systems

Our integrated business management system is driven and supported by our Skytrust Software program. This software provides us with an innovative approach to management, helping us to deliver on our key objectives and providing traceability of all our actions. This inturn ensures compliance with the contract documents, applicable standards and legislation.

The Skytrust system is designed in accordance with the principles of the international standard for risk management. This software enables us to proactively identify the project tasks that need to be carried out, highlight associated risks and to rectify any non conformance that may arise.

A key function of the data manager is the Quality Control Module or Inspection & Test Plans which Pike Constructions executes on all our projects. An Inspection and Test Plan identifies the stages of work to be inspected or tested, by whom and at what frequency and highlights the critical hold and witness points. The ITP will also measure against the applicable standards and acceptance criteria of the project documents. Inspection and Test Plans give confidence in quality control and the automated system ensures that all quality records are maintained.

Whenever Pike Constructions is awarded a contract, we identify all project-specific quality management requirements which are supported by a project specific Quality Management Plan. It’s commitment like this that gives confidence in our ability to meet the quality objectives of the project and guarantee the quality of the finished product.

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